I have made the update 2.01 sp2. The list of changes
1) 5 types of color pickers - movable and resizable. Recently I have posted screenshot of that pickers.
2) Stability improvements, many bugfixes. I have looked all bug reports that I have received and fixed almost all issues. Thank to all who have sent bug reports to me!
3) Focal shift slider. It is on top panel. Also you can assign that mouse wheel will change it (look Options).
4) Flipping sliders on top panel (Focal depth & smooth degree are also there now). Recently I have written about this in my blog.
5) Storing last folders.
6) Annoying "Factor of depth" dialog during the model export removed
7) Many symmetry issues fixed
8) Now you can make your own custom fill patterns in Fill tool. The screenshots are below.
To create the new fill pattern you should specify texture of bump and texture of color (optional). They will be mapped on object using cube mapping with soft edges. The screenshots below show the difference between usual cube mapping and mapping with soft edges.
9) There in essential improvement for drawing with materials with cube mapping. The preview has become much more convinient, the cube mapping algoritm is improved so that object will be mapped seamlessly. I have written about it in previous section.
10) Clone tool and Sculpt tool now uses alpha even if it is not round.
11) Fill bugs fixed. There was conflict between Fill tool with depth channel and sculpt mode.
12) 3DB stores window position. When you will close 3DB it stores the window position. When you will run it again it will be restored at the old place.
13) The new option during import - preserve positions. I have written about it in one of previous posts.
The link is below:www.3d-brush.com/files/3d-brush-2-01-sp2-en.exe